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2024 Global Forum for Financial Consumers


1. Registration Information

Non-member Credit Card Registration/Payment

Member Credit Card Registration/Payment

Member or Non-Member Registration/Payment Information 

2. General Program

IAFICO Program_snapshot.png

3. Call for Papers


4. Travel to Ithaca

Airport Websites:

Cornell Bus Website:
Cornell Campus to Campus bus
Bus travel time is 4.5~5 hours

Further Information and Options Provided by Cornell:
Getting to Campus
Travel Resources

Information about International Travel Visa Requirements:
Department of State Website

Travel to Ithaca.png

5. Hotel

Booking Link :
The Global Forum for Financial Consumers
Best Western Ithaca Group Booking Link

* Rooms will be available for booking until July 7, 2024 *


 사단법인 국제금융소비자학회(International Academy of Financial Consumers)

Hongmy Lee / BUSINESS No. 144-82-01324

ADDRESS. 03163 서울특별시 종로구 성균관로 25-2, 다산경제관 516

CONTACT / 02-760-1283

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