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[10.31] Opening Ceremony ~ Plenary Session 1

Date of production: 20151031

Running Time: 01:58:07

2015 Global Forum for Financial Consumers

*Opening Ceremony

*Plenary Session 1 : Consumer Protection in loan Market & Non-Recourse Loan    

   Moderator : Man Cho /KDI, Korea and NUS, Singapore 

ㅡPresentation 1 : Seung-Han Ro /Konkuk University, Korea 

   < Non-recourse mortgage in South Korea : risk and opportunity > 

ㅡPresentation 2 : Clifford Robb /Kensas State U., USA (Abstract)

   < Consumer financial knowledge and interaction with debt instruments in financial markets, evidence from the United States. >

ㅡDiscussion 1 : Jing Ai /University of Hawaii, USA  

ㅡDiscussion 2 : Hong-mu Lee /Waseda U., Japan


[10.31] Plenary Session 2

Date of production: 20151031

Running time: 50:44

2015 Global Forum for Financial Consumers

*Pleanary Session 2 : Financial Inclusion, Development and Welfare in Global Society
    Moderator : Satoshi Nakaide /Waseda U, Japan & Exeter U. U.K.
ㅡPresentation 1 : Yehuda Kahane /Tel Aviv U., Isral (Abstract)
   < Financial Consumption - HiddenKey Indicators>
ㅡPresentation 2 : Sankarshan Basu /IIM, India
   < Indian Financial Market in global Economy >
ㅡDiscussion 1 : Rofikoh Rokhim (U. of Indonesia, Indonesia)
ㅡDiscussion 2 : Ahcene Lahasasna (INCEIF, Malaysia)

[11.01] Sponsor Recognition ~ Plenary Session 3

Date of production: 20151101

Running Time: 01:58:58

2015 Global Forum for Financial Consumers

*Sponsor Recognition and Appreciation Award
*Special Speech : John LEE /Meritz Investment, Korea
    <Korea's Equity Culture and the Outlook>
*Plenary Session 3 : Insurance Literacy and Salesperson Training
     Moderator : Kyung-joo LEE., Korea
ㅡPresentation 1 : Tsai-Jyh Chen /NCCU, Taiwan (Abstract)
    < The Qualification, Training, and Continuing Education for Insurance Salespersons in Taiwan >
ㅡPresentation 2 : Mariko Nakabayashi /Meiji U., Japan
    < Education for the Life Insurance Sales Professionals in the Super-Aged Japanese Society >
ㅡPresentation 3 : Sharon Tennyson /Cornell U., USA (Material 1) (Material 2)
    < Innovation in Insurance Literacy Development -tentative >
ㅡDiscussion 1 : Dongmei Chen /Fudan U., China
ㅡDiscussion 2 : Kyung-joo Lee /Hongik U., Korea

[11.01] Plenary Session 4

Date of Production: 20151101

Running Time: 49:05

2015 Global Forum for Financial Consumers

*Plenary Session 4 : Financial Supervision for Consumer Protection
      Moderator : Hong-joo JUNG, SKKU, Korea
ㅡPresentation 1 : Andrew Schmulow /Melbourne Law School (Paper)
     < Consumer Protection and Financial System Stability under Australia's Twin Peak Model of Financial System Regulation >
ㅡPresentation 2 : Robert Kerton /University of Waterloo, Canada (Paper)
    < The Futility of Chasing Financial Literacy without Complementary Market conduct Policy >
ㅡDiscussion 1 : Sung-In Jun /Hongik U. Korea
ㅡDiscussion 2 : Andrew Barrett /ING Life, KoreaAdd Description here

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