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The International Review of
Financial Consumers (IRFC)


Tel: +82-2-760-1283

Aims and History of the Journal

The IAFICO published its first issue of the International Review of Financial Consumers (IRFC) in 2016, after more than a year of the or the organization's functioning. The Journal has been issued twice a year in subsequent years. Its goal is to serve as a knowledge base of the Academy both at national and at international level. The IRFC aims to include the cross-country study of financial products and services, regulations and supervision, institutions, and culture. The Journal qualifies for being international, since both its authors and editors have traditionally represented a wide range of countries. The IRFC is the first journal to focus on research related to financial consumers. Finally, the ultimate goal of the Journal goes beyond specific research issues, as it seeks to serve the interests of financial consumers and facilitate long-term financial development from an impartial perspective.

The IRFC Editorial Board welcomes scholars and practitioners doing research on a broad set of consumer finance issues to submit their work to the Journal. The following topics are of particular interest.

1. Protection for financial consumer
2. Business ethics of financial institutions
3. Market discipline of financial industries
4. Corporate social responsibility of financial institutions
5. Renovation or innovation of law and regulations related to financial consumption
6. Public policies for financial consumption
7. Innovation or fair trading of financial products
8. Dispute resolution for financial consumption
9. Case studies of best practices for financial services or their consumption
10. Comparison of protection for financial consumers worldwide.

Submission Instructions

The International Review of Financial Consumers (IRFC) publishes rigorous and original research related to protections for financial consumers. All theoretical, empirical, and practical papers from scholars and practitioners are highly welcome. In addition to theoretical and empirical research IRFC encourages to submit cases, notes, reviews and other financial consumer related papers. 

Please email full papers directly to the Editor, Dr. Sharon Tennyson, at Author name(s), affiliation and contact information must be provided in a separate title page. All papers will be double blind reviewed and the acceptance will be informed shortly after review. IAFICO shall publish the Journal twice a year. Papers submissions shall be accepted throughout the year. 

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2010 - present

2010 - present

 사단법인 국제금융소비자학회(International Academy of Financial Consumers)

Hongmy Lee / BUSINESS No. 144-82-01324

ADDRESS. 03163 서울특별시 종로구 성균관로 25-2, 다산경제관 516

CONTACT / 02-760-1283

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