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Membership Application

Membership is allowed for a person who is in a position able to make an academic research independently without undue influence of any company or an institution. Member has a right to apply for a presentation at the conference of the organization including the GFFC as well as a right to apply for a submission of an article at the IRFC.

All you need is to fill in
the online membership form or download the following documents and send it back to

Individual Membership Application Form (English)

Individual Membership Application Form (Korean)

Institutional Membership Application Form (English)

Institutional Membership Application Form (Korean)

Membership Payment

Individual Membership($50/1 year)

Individual Membership($500/Life-time)

BOD Membership($200/1 year)

EXCO Membership($300/1 year)

 사단법인 국제금융소비자학회(International Academy of Financial Consumers)

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