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2022.12                          Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.7 No.2 

2022.12                          Attending the K-ASEAN Risk Management & Insurance Forum

2022.08.04-08.05     The 9th Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)  

2022.06                        Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.7 No.1 

2022.02                         Attending the Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting

2021.11.19                       Brown Bag Seminar III

2021.10                          Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.6 No.2

2021.08.06-08.07      The 8th Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)  

2021.04.23                    Brown Bag Seminar II

2021.04                         Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.6 No.1 

2021.03.26                    Brown Bag Seminar I

2021.02                         Attending the Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting

2020.11.06                    Micro Finance Seminar

2020.10                         Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.5 No.2 

2020.08.07                  The 7th Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)  

2020.06.26                  Financial Education Seminar

2020.06.12                   Digital Economy Seminar

2020.05.22                   Financial Consumer Protection Act Seminar

2020.04                        Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.5 No.1    

2020.02                        Attending the Korea's Allied Economic Associations Annual Meeting

2019.10                          Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.4 No.2   

2019.08.19-08.20       The 6th Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)      

2019.04                         Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.4 No.1  

2018.10                          Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.3 No.2   

2018.08                         Publishing an International Comparison of Financial Consumer Protection Book  

2018.07.27-07.28        The 5th Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)         

2018.04                         Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.3 No.1

2017.11.03-11.04          The 4th Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)

2017.10                          Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.2 No.2   

2017.04                         Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.2 No.1          

2016.11.04-11.05          The 3rd Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)  

2016.10                          Publishing the International Review of Financial Consumer(IRFC) Vol.1 No.1 

2016.06                        Designated as a designated donation organization

2015.10.31-11.01           The 2nd Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)         

2014.12.14-12.15           The 1st Global Forum for Financial Consumers(GFFC)         

2014.12                          The founding of International Academy of Financial Consumers(IAFICO)

 사단법인 국제금융소비자학회(International Academy of Financial Consumers)

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CONTACT / 02-760-1283

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